- antique collecting
- archery
- archeology
- architecture
- art history
- astronomy
- backpacking
- bad science fiction movies
- bike rides
- bowling
- brewing beer
- building electronics kits
- camping
- camp counseling
- candle making
- canoeing
- composing music
- cooking
- dining out
- dressing well
- driving cars (road trips)
- enamel on copper making
- fishing
- fossil collecting
- gambling
- going to baseball games
- going to museums
- going to performances
- hammered copper making
- hat collecting
- herb gardening
- hiking
- horseback riding
- house plants
- interior decorating
- landscaping
- leaded glass work
- leatherwork
- learning (taking classes)
- listening to music
- long hot showers
- macramé
- magic tricks
- martial arts
- meditation
- model railroading
- musical instrument collecting
- needlepoint
- photography
- playing backgammon
- playing cards
- playing foosball
- playing golf
- playing music
- playing pool
- playing racquetball
- playing ultimate Frisbee
- playing video games
- pottery making
- programming
- psychology
- reading
- reading about the latest technical research
- remodeling
- riflery
- Robert Frost’s poetry
- rock climbing
- rock collecting
- rocketry
- shell collecting/shelling
- skiing
- skin/scuba diving
- sleeping in
- sociology
- solitude
- stained glass making
- swimming
- talking to people with similar interests
- traveling
- tropical fish
- vegetable gardening
- weight lifting/nautilis, exercising
- window shopping
- woodworking
- writing
- zoology