Thanksgiving Food Log

Gretchen cubed up some of the left-over ham from the other night and made ham and egg scramble for breakfast with a slice of toast with butter and a glass of orange juice for breakfast. The reset of the ham &mdash; bone and all &mdash; went into a soup pot to make split pea soup. Gretchen also sliced up the bread to start drying for the stuffing. Today I weighed in at 164&hellip; there has to be something wrong with the scale! <img src="" height="18" width="18" alt="Hmmm..." />

<ins datetime="2003-11-27T15:08:00-05:00">Gretchen and I had a little crudit&eacute;s for lunch today. We cut up a couple carrots and celery stalks and served them with a little of <a href="" title="Newman's Own - Creamy  Caesar">Newman&rsquo;s Own Creamy Caesar</a> as a dip. We also had a <a href="" title="Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale">Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale</a>.</ins>

<ins datetime="2003-11-27T19:46:00-05:00">We have a standing invitation to my Uncle&rsquo;s house for their Thanksgiving celebration. That is where my parents were tonight. However, it would involve our going back to Florida, which is not practical for a long weekend holiday. Instead, we went to the Gretchen&rsquo;s parents for dinner. We did not drive a car. We did not fly a plane. We walked. They live next door. We were joined by Gretchen&rsquo;s sister and husband and her daughter and her husband. We started with a little antipasto, chips and dip, and a glass of <a href="" title="White Zinfandel">Sutter Home White Zinfandel</a>. We had turkey and stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, black olives, cranberry sauce, and corn on the cob. There were sweet potatoes, but I did not have any. There were four kinds of pie: apple, pecan, pumpkin, and a pumpkin and pecan hybrid. I had pecan.</ins>