<a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2003/11/27/opinion/THKSGIVI.html?ex=1385355600&en=8e543d755696589a&ei=5007&partner=USERLAND">The Blessings of Having Just Enough</a>: “You could sort through America’s Thanksgiving garbage till New Year’s and never deduce from it just why we celebrate this holiday. It would be one thing if the day marked a real divergence from the American pattern of consumption — ending months of barely enough with suddenly too much. Yet for most of us, every day is a case of a little more than we need. One student of feasts stipulates that they contain ‘foods not generally served at daily meals.’ For most Americans, however, daily meals now include foods that never used to be served at daily meals. By the standards of earlier eras, every day is a feast day, which is one way of saying that the very idea of a feast has begun to lose its meaning.”
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