Food Log

Breakfast was a few dried apricots and a few dates, a glass of orange juice, and a piece of toasted Italian bread. I weighed in at 160 pounds.

<ins datetime="2004-01-06T13:27:00-05:00">Lunch was a 4&frac12; mile walk around campus (combining my lunch walk with visits to four telecommunications closets for pending designs). I am going to have an orange in a bit. My Mother always sends us a bushel of oranges from <a href="" title="Sun Harvest Citrus - Fresh Florida Citrus fruit and gift packages.">Sun Harvest Citrus</a> for Christmas. This year&rsquo;s arrived yesterday, so this will be my first.</ins>

<ins datetime="2004-01-06T20:19:00-05:00">Dinner was a mixed green salad with <a href="" title="Newman's Own - Lighten Up - Light Balsamic Dressing">Newman&rsquo;s Own Light Balsamic Vinaigrette</a>, a slice of Gretchen&rsquo;s Italian bread, and two <a href="" title="Chocolate Gifts from Godiva">Godiva</a> chocolates.</ins>