Shared: The Brooklyn Brewery MASH

The Brooklyn Brewery MASH by Transient Pictures:

The Brooklyn Brewery Mash tour – adventures in food, film, music, books and beer…

To promote the Brooklyn Brewery’s MASH tour, filmmakers Landon Van Soest and Paul Trillo, created a stop motion tour of the borough. The 11 city tour brings the brewery’s favorite aspects of Brooklyn culture; including food, film, music, books and beer. Keeping with the concept of touring, Landon and Paul shot over 3000 still photos to capture a glimpse of Brooklyn in under 60 seconds. The resulting piece is a fast paced, seamless transition between Brooklyn’s various neighborhoods and establishments.

The MASH tour begins at SXSW in Austin and tours to 10 additional cities through the end of the year. For more information visit

Special thanks to The Bedford, Videology , Co-Op 87 Records, Spoonbill & Sugartown Booksellers and the Found Footage Festival. Music by Noah Cunningham.

Landon Van Soest –
Paul Trillo –

Shared: A bird ballet | Music Video

A bird ballet | Music Video by Neels CASTILLON:

We were shooting for a commercial with my DP waiting for an helicopter flying into the sunset, when thousands and thousands of birds came and made this incredible dance in the sky. It was amazing, we just forgot our job and started this little piece of poetry… Enjoy !

Thanks to the birds…
And thanks to Ariane Cornic (Masterfilms) and Philippe Pangrazzi who let us shoot during our working time.

Please watch it in HD or download it in best quality (if you have a vimeo account)

Made by: Neels CASTILLON
DP: Mathias Touzeris
Music: Hand-made – Alt J / Buy on iTunes here:
Location: Marseille, France

PS: Now I know it’s called a murmuration and the birds are Starlings.
BBC Nature says “starlings are known for these wonderful swirling aerial displays, done at dusk as they get ready to roost for the winter.”