Shared: The shape of your beer mug might help explain why you get drunk so fast

The shape of your beer mug might help explain why you get drunk so fast on Boing Boing:

In a recent study at the University of Bristol, young people drank beer faster when it was served to them in a curved, fluted glass. It’s a small study, but the researchers think it could be a first clue toward understanding why we sometimes get more drunk than we meant to do. Researchers found it was difficult for people to judge volume of liquid in a curved glass, which might mean it’s also harder to pace drinking. (Via Noah Gray)

Shared: Brewers’ Wisdom: The Craft Beer Class of ’96 shares their hard earned lessons.

Brewers’ Wisdom: The Craft Beer Class of ’96 shares their hard earned lessons. by VictoryBeer:

Bill Covaleski of Victory Brewing, Sam Calgione of Dogfish Head, Gene Muller of Flying Fish, Tom Kehoe of Yards, Mark Edelson of Iron Hill and Greg Koch of Stone brewing reminisce about the good ol’e days in the mid 90’s when they all got their start during Philly Beer Week 2010. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry but you’ll always come back for more.

Highlight: Keep an ear open for Sam’s only HR policy for the first decade of Dogfish Head’s existence.