A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel tucked in his pants.
The bartender says, “hey buddy, you’ve got a steering wheel in your pants!”“Arrr,” says the pirate. “It’s driving me nuts!”
— Tim Holt
A Horse Walks Into a Bar
A horse walks into a bar, the bartender says, “Hey, why the long face?” — Steve Warren
A Grasshopper Walks Into a Bar
A grasshopper walks into a bar, and the bartender says ‘hey, we have a drink named after you!’
The grasshopper looks back at him with a puzzled expression and replies ‘You have a drink named Steve?’
— Brian J
Two Men Walk Into a Bar
Two men walk into a bar, the third ducks under it. — Jason Lewis
A Priest, an Irishman and a Rabbi Walk Into Bar
A priest, an Irishman and a Rabbi walk into bar, the barman takes one look and says – “What is this, some kind of joke?” — Cupro Hastes
A Skeleton Walks Into a Bar
A skeleton walks into a bar and orders a beer and a mop. — Garland West
Russian’s Claim Beer Contains Alcohol!
BBC News – Russia classifies beer as alcoholic:
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has signed a bill that officially classifies beer as alcoholic.
Until now anything containing less than 10% alcohol in Russia has been considered a foodstuff.
(Via Daring Fireball.)
Drew Avis’ Random Beer Name Generator
http://www.strangebrew.ca/beername.php: “Tired of working long hours to come up with original beer names? Wonder how clasics such as ‘Delerium Tremens’, ‘Fat Bastard’, and ‘Toad Spit Stout’ were named? Need something better than ‘Batch 54 Brown Ale’ to impress your friends and family? Look no further, the world’s greatest beer naming technology, once only available to Charlie Papazian, has been recently declassified and is now at your fingertips. ”
Generate Random, Snobbish Beer Reviews
It’s Pub Night: Beer Review Generator – A Portland Beer Blog: “Good beer snobs have now adopted some of the modern wine-snob vocabulary, and have settled into a typical phrasing that lends itself easily to mockery. That’s where I come in.”