
Doing things with rigor takes effort, but not everything you put effort into is done with rigor.

Rigor is a focus on process. Paying attention to not just how you do things, but why. Rigor requires us to never use an emergency as an excuse. It is a process for the long haul, the work of a professional.

An amateur bread baker leaves the kitchen coated in flour, and sometimes, perhaps, ends up with a great loaf of bread.

A professional baker might not seem to be as flustered, as hassled or even as busy. But the bread, the result of this mindful process, is worth buying, every day.

We know that you’re working hard. 

The next step is to do it with rigor.

via Seth Godin’s Blog on marketing, tribes and respect

Financial Times’ response to ad-cutting threat from HP is great

Artist's impression of what they were really thinking

The Financial Times ran a column critical of Hewlett Packard Enterprise CEO Meg Whitman. The company’s marketing chief, Henry Gomez, threatened to cut the advertising it ran in the newspaper. Lucy Kellaway’s response is perfect.

My piece was not biased and I fear you misunderstand our business model. It is my editors’ steadfast refusal to consider the impact of stories on advertisers that makes us the decent newspaper we are. It is why I want to go on working here. It is why the FT goes on paying me.

Kellaway seems almost happy to have gotten such a direct threat in the first place, in an age of smarmy PR outreach and cold silence. But it’s no surprise that HP is the one to break ranks. When did it get its reputation for this sort of "nice ads you have there" nastiness?

via Boing Boing http://boingboing.net/2016/02/16/financial-times-response-to.html