After all the arguments, lack of tips and constantly sending back food I finally learned the name of my worst customer, Coleman Sweeney. And I’ll never forget it.
Video credits
Staring: Thomas Jane
Narrated by: Will Arnett
With Lyndsy Fonseca as Sarah
120,000 people are waiting for an organ. Each day, 22 people die waiting for an organ. If Coleman Sweeney can be a hero, what’s your excuse?
Signup to be an organ donor today at
I recently had my first experience with mushrooms. It definitely ranks as one of the most profound and eye opening moments of my life. Terence’s voice was very comforting for me to listen to before and after.
Audio was taken from the channel We Plants Are Happy Plants
Check out the full documentary here:
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The Software I Am Using is Sparkol
Video Scribe: Get It Here
Yoga With Adriene – Core Strength Ritual! This 20 min core strength video is a great ritual for you to supplement your yoga practice or other workouts. Tone the belly, heal back pain and find stability in the body. Connect with the breath, repeat this ritual regularly and enjoy the results. Great for that booty and your arms and shoulders too.
More workouts, fitness tips, nutrition and motivation here:
Complete inverted rows at home with a bedsheet!
Secure a sheet in a door frame and knot on the other side (or use a TRX, or another suspension system.) Grab the ends of the implement and extend back into an angle. Retract the scapula to bring the chest to the hands. Squeeze the upper back, and return to extension
How to Make a Sauce Espagnole-Mother Sauces-Brown Sauces-Online cooking Classes
Video tutorial on Mother Sauces-Sauce Espagnole-Espanol
Yield: 2 L (2 kg/2 qt)
For the Sauce
1.5 L (1 qt, 13 oz) veal stock
20 g (2⁄3 oz) all-purpose flour
20 g (2⁄3 oz) butter
The Aromatic Elements
40 g (1 1⁄3 oz) bacon, cut in lardons
80 g (2 2/3 oz) carrots, cut in mirepoix
80 g (2 2/3 oz) onions, cut in mirepoix
125 g (4 oz) tomatoes, chopped
30 g (1 oz) tomato paste
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 sprig tarragon
Mushroom stems and trimmings
Bring the stock to a boil and skim. Set aside to cool.
In a rondeau, cook the bacon in a small amount of butter until lightly browned.
Add the carrots and onions and continue to cook. When the vegetables begin to brown, add the remaining butter. Sprinkle with flour (singer), stir with a wooden spoon, and let brown.
Add the stock and stir vigorously to avoid lumps. Bring to a simmer and add the tomatoes, tomato paste, garlic, tarragon, and any mushroom trimmings available.
Simmer the sauce for 40 minutes to an hour, skimming often. Strain the sauce, chill it down and refrigerate.
chef Rogers
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I made this yoga video flow to help you to feel better in your body. It may increase your general flexibility, limber you up and improve posture. The pace is not too fast so whether you have experience with yoga or not, you could follow along.