Shared: 5 mètres 80

5 mètres 80 by Nicolas Deveaux:


J'ai réalisé il y a presque 10 ans "7 tonnes 2" un court-métrage mettant en scène un éléphant sur un trampoline. Je voulais faire une suite, cette fois-ci avec des girafes … La création de ce film s'est étalée sur 1 an et demi.
Merci à Orange, Arte, ville de Paris, CNC, Procirep sans qui le film n'aurait pas pu voir le jour !

Il est sélectionné dans de nombreux festivals dont Annecy, Clermont-Ferrand, Bruz (afca), Animest (Bucharest), BE film (New-York), ShortFilmCorner (Cannes), São Paulo International Short Film Festival, Clermont-Ferrand, …

Prix :
– Festival du Court-Metrage 3D de Grenoble : 1er Prix du public, 2nd prix du Jury
– Dimension 3 : prix animation
– SIGGRAPH ASIA : Best in Show Award

Production : Cube creative

Année : 2013


Almost 10 years after "7 tonnes 2" a short film featuring an elephant on a trampoline. I wanted to make a sequel, this time with giraffes … The creation of this film is spread over 1 year and a half.
Thanks to Orange, Arte, Ville de Paris, CNCV, Procirep that allowed the film to come to life.
The film was picked in many festivals, Annecy, Clermont-Ferrand, Bruz (AFCA), Animest (Bucarest), BE film (New York), ShortFilmCorner (Cannes), Sao Paulo International Short Film Festival, Clermont-Ferrand, ….
Prizes : – Festival du Court Metrage 3D de Grenoble : 1st Prix public, 2nd Pris Jury
-Dimension 3 : prix animation
– SIGGRAPH ASIA : Best in Show Award

Production : Cube creative

Year : 2013

Shared: Seth’s Blog: Of course it’s difficult…

Seth’s Blog: Of course it’s difficult…:

The word economy comes from the Greek and the French, and is based on the concept of scarcity. The only things that are scarce in the world of connection and services and the net are the things that are difficult, and the only things that are valuable are the things that are scarce. When we intentionally seek out the difficult tasks, we’re much more likely to actually create value.

Shared: Recipe of the Week: Geaux Brewing’s Poydras Smoked Imperial Porter

Recipe of the Week: Geaux Brewing’s Poydras Smoked Imperial Porter on Blogging with Briess:

Special thanks to Geaux Brewing owner/brewer Jeremy Hubbell who shared this Smoked Imperial Porter recipe with us. Geaux Brewing is in Bellevue, Washington, so make sure to visit and enjoy his beers when you’re in the area. Jeremy told us that using 20% Mesquite Smoked Malt developed a strong smoke flavor. Some of his customers really […]