Shared: Cinematic Montage II

Cinematic Montage II by GameOvais:

The second cinematic montage created by me.

Over 300 movies used.

I hope you enjoy the video as much as I enjoyed making it.

Movies used are:
12 Years a Slave
3:10 to Yuma
300 Rise of an Empire
A Christmas Carol
A Few Good Men
A Good Day to Die Hard
A League of Their Own
A Little Princess
Abraham Lincoln – Vampire Hunter
Aliens vs Predator
American Beauty
American Gangster
American History X
Angels and Demons
Apocalypse Now
Back to The Future I,II & III
Bad Boys II
Bangkok Dangerous
Beauty and the Beast
Ben Hur
Berverly Hills Cop III
Big Fish
Big Hero 6
Black Hawk Down
Blade Trinity
Blood Diamond
Bridge on the River Kwai
Captain America: Winter Soldier
Casino Royale
Cast Away
Catch Me If You Can
Chronicles of Narnia
Cool Hand Luke
Crimson Tide
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Deja Vu
Despicable Me II
Die Hard
District 9
Donnie Darko
Eagle Eye
Edward Scissorhands
End of Days
Enemy of the State
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Fast & Furious
Field of Dreams
Fight Club
Forrest Gump
Gangs of New York
GI Joe: The Rise of the Cobra
Gone Baby Gone
Gone With The Wind
Good Will Hunting
Gran Torino
Harry Potter: The Complete Saga
High Plains Drifter
Home Alone I & II
How to Train Your Dragon
I Robot
Ice Age
In The Heart of The Sea
Independance Day
Indiana Jones: Quadrilogy
Inglorious Basterds
Inside Man
Into The Woods
Iron Man I, II & III
Jack the Giant Slayer
James Bond: The Franchise
John Carter
Jonah Hex
Jurassic Park: The Trilogy
Jurassic World
Kick Ass
Kill Bill: Vol 2
Kindergarten Cop
King Kong
Kingdom of Heaven
Kung Fu Panda
Lawrence of Arabia
Leon: The Professional
Little Miss Sunshine
Live Free or Die Hard
Lone Survivor
Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Lord of The Rings: The Return of the King
Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers
Man of Steel
Man on Fire
Mary Popppins
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
Matrix Reloaded
Matrix Revolutions
Max Payne
Men in Black
Million Dollar Baby
Mission Impossible: I, II, III & IV
Monster’s Inc
Mr and Mrs Smith
National Treasure: The Book of Secrets
Now You See Me
Once Upon a Time in Mexico
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Pan’s Labyrinth
Pearl Harbour
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Pulp Fiction
Quantum of Solace
Resevoir Dogs
Rise of the Guardians
Road to Perdition
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
Romeo & Juliet
Sahe House
Santa Claus
Saving Private Ryan
Scent of a Woman
Schindler’s List
Shark Tale
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
Shutter Island
Singing in the Rain
Singing in the Rain
Slumdog Millionaire
Spiderman I, II and III
Star Trek: Into Darkness
Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens
Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Super 8
Sweeney Todd
Terminator II: Judgement Day
Terminator Salvation
The A Team
The Avenger: Age of Ultron
The Avengers
The Blind Side
The Book of Eli
The Bourne Ultimatum
The Croods
The Da Vinci Code
The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight Rises
The Day After Tomorrow
The Fantastic Four
The Fountain
The Godfather
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
The Goonies
The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Great Escape
The Green Lantern
The Green Mile
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
The Hurt Locker
The Incredible Hulk
The Island
The Last Airbender
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
The Lion King
The Little Mermaid
The Lone Ranger
The Man with the Iron Fists
The Mask of Zorro
The Mist
The Mummy
The Mummy: Tome of the Dragon Emperor
The Passion of the Christ
The Patriot
The Prestige
The Ring
The Shawshank Redemption
The Sixth Sense
The Wizard of Oz
Top Gun
Toy Story
Training Day
True Grit
Usual Suspects
V for Vendetta
War of the Worlds
World War Z
Wreck-it Ralph
X Men: The First Class
X Men: The Last Stand

Shared: Rocky Balboa (2006) – Quotes – IMDb

Rocky Balboa (2006) – Quotes – IMDb:

The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you’re hit, it is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much can you take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!

Shared: Sticky

Sticky by jilli rose:

Exiled from the tropical paradise where they evolved, a tiny population of remarkable stick insects dodged extinction by hiding under a single windswept bush on the world’s tallest sea stack for 80 years. Thanks to a dedicated team of scientists they’re now living safely in captivity, but when can they go home?

Keep in touch with us over at . We’d love to hear from you.

SXSW Films for the Forest 2014 (WINNER: Best Film Under 40 Minutes)
St Kilda Film Festival 2014 (WINNER: Best Documentary, NOMINATED: Best Film)
San Francisco Green Film Festival 2014 (WINNER: Best Short Film)
Canberra Short Film Festival 2014 (WINNER, Best Short Film)
Antenna Documentary Festival 2014 (HONOURABLE MENTION, Best Short Film)

IUCN World Parks Congress, Sydney, November 2014
American Conservation Film Festival, Shepherdstown, October 2014
Port Townsend Film Festival, Port Townsend, September 2014
File Anima+, Sao Paolo, August – September 2014
Columbia Gorge International Film Festival, Vancouver, August 2014
St Kilda Film Festival Regional Tour, Mallacoota, Eaglehawk, Nhill, Camperdown, July 2014
Big Sur International Short Film Screening Series, Big Sur, July 2014
Melbourne International Animation Festival, Melbourne, June 2014
Strange Beauty Film Festival, Durham, June 2014
Pineapple Underground Film Festival, Hong Kong, June 2014
Brooklyn Film Festival, New York, May 2014
Mountainfilm, Telluride, May 2014
International Animation Film Festival Golden Kuker, Sofia, May 2014
Global Visions Film Festival, Edmonton, May 2014
Green Film Festival, Seoul, May 2014
St Kilda Film Festival, Melbourne, May 2014
San Francisco Green Film Festival, San Francisco, May 2014
Australian International Animation Festival, Wagga Wagga, May 2014
DOXA Documentary Film Festival, Vancouver, May 2014
Future Film Festival, Bologna, April 2014
Athens International Film Festival, Athens, April 2014
International Wildlife Film Festival, Missoula, April 2014
ANIMFEST, Athens, March 2014
SXSW Films for the Forest, Austin, March 2014
Tricky Women, Vienna, March 2014
Cinequest, San Jose, March 2014

How to Build a Hopback

Homebrewers love hops—it’s no secret. You will always remember the first time you smelled those powerful pellets drop into the kettle. The little bitter cones give beer life, personality and uncanny edginess. Without them, beer would often times be unbalanced, overly sweet and uninteresting. Hops are so important, some people devote their entire lives to […]

The post How to Build a Hopback appeared first on American Homebrewers Association.

via American Homebrewers Association

Shared: Why Microsoft’s reorganization is a bad idea | stratechery by Ben Thompson

Why Microsoft’s reorganization is a bad idea | stratechery by Ben Thompson:

DuPont, the famous chemical company, was actually built on gunpowder. Founded in the early 1800s, DuPont was a small family concern until the early 1900s, when Pierre DuPont modernized and organized the company around functions: primarily sales and manufacturing. The structure served DuPont well, particularly in World War I, when in response to overwhelming demand DuPont vertically integrated its supply chain, and grew to become one of the largest companies in the world.

After the war, DuPont needed to diversify, and paint, which involved a similar compound to gunpowder, was the area they chose to focus on. Yet, despite the fact DuPont was perhaps the most professionally run corporation in America, losses soared. Eventually, a disconnect between sales and manufacturing was identified as the root cause, and the cure was a new organization around two separate gunpowder and paint divisions.

And thus, the divisional structure was borne. It returned DuPont to profitability, and remains the model for nearly every corporation of significant size, except, notably, for Apple.

And now, Microsoft.

Shared: Why Do We Eat Spoiled Food?

Why Do We Eat Spoiled Food? by MinuteEarth:

Sponsored by Tab for a Cause: 

MinuteEarth is also now on Patreon! Please support us at:

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Thanks to:
– Subbable supporter Martin Dinov
– Patreon patrons:
– @AntoineCoeur
– salar tel
– @TodayIFoundOut1
– @82abhilash

Created by Henry Reich
Production and Writing Team: Alex Reich, Peter Reich, Emily Elert, Ever Salazar, Kate Yoshida, and Henry Reich
Music by Nathaniel Schroeder:

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MinuteEarth provides an energetic and entertaining view of trends in earth’s environment — in just a few minutes!


Braidwood, R.J., et al. (1953) Symposium: Did Man Once Live by Beer Alone? American Anthropologist (55)4: 515-526

Curtis, V.,  de Barra, M., & Aunger R. (2011) Disgust as an adaptive system for disease avoidance behaviour. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 366: 389-401.

FAO (2006) Good hygiene practices along the coffee chain.
Fontana C., et al. (2010) Surface microbiota analysis of Taleggio, Gorgonzola, Casera, Scimudin and Formaggio di Fossa Italian cheeses. International Journal of Food Microbiology 138:205–211.

Hart, B.L. (1990) Behavioral adaptations to pathogens and parasites: five strategies. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 14: 273–294.
Katz, Sandor. Interview: August 8, 2014.

Kindstedt, P.S. (2013) Making Great Cheeses, part 2. American Society for Microbiology: Microbe Magazine 8(5): 361–367.

Mennella, J.A., et al. (2001) Prenatal and post-natal flavor learning by human infants. Pediatrics 107: e88.

Image Credits

  1. Rotten apple – Rafal Olkis / Shutterstock
  2. Apple – Abhijit Tembhekar
  3. Cheese – Dieter Seeger
  4. Chocolate – Flickr user jules
  5. Bacteria – US Naval Research Laboratory
  6. Kid eating chocolate – Zurijeta / Shutterstock
  7. Woman with coffee – beginwithaspin / Shutterstock
  8. Bread is torn in half – Laboko / Shutterstock
  9. Rotten Meat – arc15 user The_Camp_Ninja
  10. Salami – André Karwath
  11. Decomposed Meat – Youtube user agnozja
  12. Inside cacao – Irene Scott/AusAID
  13. Cocoa Beans – Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
  14. Cocoa Beans 2 – Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
  15. Chocolate – Peter Pearson
  16. Gorgonzola – Formaggio Kitchen
  17. Feet – Wikimedia user Kayau’s_feet.jpg
  18. Fish Sauce – Wikimedia user Lord Mountbatten
  19. Kiviaq – Inga Sørensen
  20. Stinky Tofu – Wikimedia user Richy
  21. Sauerkraut – Wikimedia user Qwerty Binary
  22. Soy Sauce – Flickr user Creative Tools
  23. Prosciutto – Flickr user Sun Taro
  24. Kefir Milk – Wikimedia user Quijote
  25. Kimchi – Flickr user Nagyman
  26. Kombucha Mature – Wikimedia user Mgarten
  27. Koumiss bottle – Wikimedia user A.Savin
  28. Katsuobushi – Sakurai Midori
  29. Wine – André Karwath
  30. Yogurt – Wikimedia user Oxytousc

Shared: Stone Delicious IPA

Stone Delicious IPA by Stone Brewing Co.:

Stone has always been obsessed with brewing bold, high-quality craft beer. When we developed this pleasantly bitter, deliciously lemony IPA, we took it as an opportunity to do something we’d spent over a year researching and perfecting: reducing the amount of gluten in the beer* to the degree that nearly everyone could experience our no-holds-barred approach to craft brewing.

An enzyme added during the brewing process called Clarity Ferm did the heavy lifting, cutting the beer’s gluten content to well below the threshold of 20 parts per million required by the Food and Drug Administration to label a product “gluten-free.” What it did not diminish—by any stretch—was this IPA’s flavor.

Shared: The Search for General Tso – Official Trailer I HD I Sundance Selects

The Search for General Tso – Official Trailer I HD I Sundance Selects by IFC Films:

Opening in theaters and VOD January 2nd

Directed by: Ian Cheney

This mouthwateringly entertaining film travels the globe to unravel a captivating culinary mystery. General Tso’s chicken is a staple of Chinese-American cooking, and a ubiquitous presence on restaurant menus across the country. But just who was General Tso? And how did his chicken become emblematic of an entire national cuisine? Director Ian Cheney (King Corn) journeys from Shanghai to New York to the American Midwest and beyond to uncover the origins of this iconic dish, turning up surprising revelations and a host of humorous characters along the way. Told with the verve of a good detective story,The Search for General Tso is as much about food as it is a tale of the American immigrant experience.

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