Malt: A Practical Guide from Field to Brewhouse by Brewers Association:
Brewers often call malt the soul of beer. Fourth in the Brewing Elements series, Malt: A Practical Guide from Field to Brewhouse delves into the intricacies of this key ingredient used in virtually all beers. This book provides a comprehensive overview of malt, with primary focus on barley, from the field through the malting process. With primers on history, agricultural development and physiology of the barley kernel, John Mallett (Bell’s Brewery, Inc.) leads us through the enzymatic conversion that takes place during the malting process. A detailed discussion of enzymes, the Maillard reaction, and specialty malts follows. Quality and analysis, malt selection, and storage and handling are explained. This book is of value to all brewers, of all experience levels, who wish to learn more about the role of malt as the backbone of beer.
Shared: How Bourbon is Made
How Bourbon is Made by Gear Patrol:
We toured 12 distilleries in a five-day blitz, asking everyone we met to walk us through the bourbon-making process. Here, you’ll find all of the steps that go into making America’s unique take on whiskey. Watch and learn.
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「3秒クッキング 爆速エビフライ」篇 by docomoOfficial:
Shared: Recipe of the Week: Ebenezer’s Elation
Recipe of the Week: Ebenezer’s Elation on Blogging with Briess:
Think you’re running out of time to brew a holiday-themed beer for your family and friends? This 5-gallon batch of all grain (or extract with grains) spiced ale takes only 10 days to ferment and will taste like you’ve been planning it for months. A cache of gingerbread-inspired spices combines with malty sweetness to fill […]
Shared: A Day in the Life of Sustainable Beer: New Belgium Brewery
A Day in the Life of Sustainable Beer: New Belgium Brewery by Rational Middle Energy Series:
It’s pretty hard to look around these days and not see something created with or transported by energy. Companies around the world are looking to reduce their negative impact on communities, increase their environmental stewardship efforts, as well as making a profit. New Belgium Brewing Company in Fort Collins, CO is doing just that and were eager to share that process with us.
Shared: The Road Not Taken – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Road Not Taken – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler
Shared: Why we are unaware that we lack the skill to tell how unskilled and unaware we are – Boing Boing
Why we are unaware that we lack the skill to tell how unskilled and unaware we are – Boing Boing:
I was always more ignorant than I am now, even though I didn’t feel all that ignorant then. That means that it’s probably also true that right now I’m sitting here in a state of total ignorance concerning things that my future self wishes he could shout back at me through time. Yet here I sit, unaware. Nescient. The evidence gathered so far by psychologists and neuroscientists seems to suggest that each one of us has a relationship with our own ignorance, a dishonest, complicated relationship, and that dishonesty keeps us sane, happy, and willing to get out of bed in the morning.
Shared: Knowledge vs. Intelligence · An A List Apart Blog Post
Knowledge vs. Intelligence · An A List Apart Blog Post:
The difference between knowledge and intelligence is key here. Knowledge is the collection of skills and information a person has acquired through experience. Intelligence is the ability to apply knowledge. Just because someone lacks knowledge of a particular subject doesn’t mean they can’t apply their intelligence to help solve problems. Knowledge is wonderful, but it fades as techniques and technologies come and go. Intelligence sustains. Its borders extend beyond any technique or technology, and that makes all the difference.
Shared: Sacred Grounds – The New Yorker
Sacred Grounds – The New Yorker:
An obsession with brewing protocol is generally the mark of an amateur—that pitiable person who makes a simple thing complicated in the futile hope of feeling kinship with the professionals.
Shared: Recipe of the Week: ESRB
Recipe of the Week: ESRB on Blogging with Briess:
This Extra “Special Roast” Bitter (ESRB) showcases the biscuit, tangy-sourdough character of Briess Special Roast Malt. Special Roast is a complex flavored, drum roasted malt. With its characteristic and bold sourdough flavor, it will contribute an exciting layer of flavor to Nut Brown Ales, Porters and other dark beer styles. Or use in smaller quantities in […]