A new Flickr Favorite by *Pete.
Uploaded: February 18, 2010 at 08:51AM
A new Flickr Favorite by greekadman.
EXPLORE July 5th, 2007 @ #65
Uploaded: July 05, 2007 at 07:32PM
A new Flickr Favorite by h.koppdelaney.
Who is dreaming?
Only one can see the whole….
Playing with different dimensions of reality
and different levels of perception.
Outside is inside
Inside is outside
Die Wirklichkeit hat verschiedene Ebenen.
Für das Bewusstsein steht Wahrnehmung an erster Stelle.
An zweiter Stelle kommt die Unterscheidung in Traum, Vision oder Alltag.
Die Grenzen zwischen diesen Konzepten sind fließend.
Bewusstsein ist das, was wahrnimmt.
Bewusstsein beobachtet.
Bewusstsein ist das Eine, das alles wahrnimmt.
Alles findet "im" Bewusstsein statt.
Uploaded: June 26, 2009 at 05:18AM
A new Flickr Favorite by illuminaut.
Day 189 of 365: There are so many realities, why not choose the one that makes you feel best? Or pick one that goes with your outfit. It’s not lying to yourself, it’s merely a slight adjustment in perception. People do it all the time. The others are depressed.
Today, I’ll choose the reality that something like this has never been done before.
Empty room stock by blOntj
Picture by Drummy
Uploaded: September 30, 2009 at 05:08PM
A new Flickr Favorite by entirelysubjective.
Read more on my blog post Reality is the Sum of all Perspectives
Uploaded: August 21, 2011 at 10:59AM
A new Flickr Favorite by dek dav.
Good Lies no.101, by The Notwist from their album The Devil, You + Me
we’ll remember good lies
when we carry them home
with us to our bedside table
and our coffee sets
we’ll remember good lies
when they’re always with us
in our beds, even when we
shake our heads
let’s just imitate the real
until we find a better one
let’s just imitate the real
until we find a better one
remember the good lies
we’ll remember the good lies when
remember the good lies
we’ll remember the good lies when
let’s just imitate the real
until we find a better one
let’s just imitate the real
until we find a better one
Billboard couple from spuckmeyer fav.me/d35wzv3
Click here youtu.be/8HGbvfDdPQw to hear track
Click here www.songmeanings.net/songs/view/3530822107858714810/ for full lyrics & meanings
My 365 art project, where I create a year’s worth [yep, 365] of digital collages, with indie songs as my subject.
Uploaded: June 29, 2013 at 08:10PM
A new Flickr Favorite by illuminaut.
Day 189 of 365: There are so many realities, why not choose the one that makes you feel best? Or pick one that goes with your outfit. It’s not lying to yourself, it’s merely a slight adjustment in perception. People do it all the time. The others are depressed.
Today, I’ll choose the reality that something like this has never been done before.
Empty room stock by blOntj
Picture by Drummy
Uploaded: September 30, 2009 at 05:08PM
A new Flickr Favorite by entirelysubjective.
Read more on my blog post Reality is the Sum of all Perspectives
Uploaded: August 21, 2011 at 10:59AM