Shared: Hermit Crab Migration

Hermit Crab Migration by Steve Simonsen:

Hermit Crab Migration
This morning I received an urgent telephone call from my good friend Pam Gaffin. She was terribly excited about an event that was happening before her eyes. Pam told me it was a migration of soldier crabs also called hermit crabs and there were millions and millions of them she likened it to the migrations of Serengeti. I didn’t need to hear anymore, I loaded my car with cameras and was out the door. Pam told me that this began this morning at sunrise at Nanny point near Concordia. I have heard about this migration for years and knew that it occurred in August, I can’t tell you how happy I am that Pam called. Pam you’re my hero.

Shared: Bottle Cap Blues

Bottle Cap Blues by chris sumers:

This is a short film that I was a part of for Adam Young’s solo Art Show at Common House Gallery entitled: Songs of the Early Riser. Adam had a concept for a video installation. I took his concept and put it into a video. We originally had 4 different edits looping at the show in his installation, but this edit is a compilation of my favorite clips from the three day shoot. This has been the most fun project I have been a part of to date. Sitting around with your friends killing a couple of six packs of beer trying to think of different means to open your next drink is pretty fun. I encourage you to try it.

Adam’s art is amazing. If you have an opportunity to pick up one of his pieces, I suggest you add an original to your collection. He is one of the best dudes ever…

More information/ reviews about the show can be found here:

Shared: The shape of your beer mug might help explain why you get drunk so fast

The shape of your beer mug might help explain why you get drunk so fast on Boing Boing:

In a recent study at the University of Bristol, young people drank beer faster when it was served to them in a curved, fluted glass. It’s a small study, but the researchers think it could be a first clue toward understanding why we sometimes get more drunk than we meant to do. Researchers found it was difficult for people to judge volume of liquid in a curved glass, which might mean it’s also harder to pace drinking. (Via Noah Gray)