- 13.340 Gallons
- $1.499/Gallon
- $20.00
- 293.8 Miles
- 22.0 Miles/Gallon
- 7¢/Mile
- 11 Days
Food Log
Orange juice and low-fat two sweet rolls this morning.
<ins datetime="2003-10-24T12:37:00-05:00">Lunch was orange chicken over lo mien noodles, hot and sour soup and a small sierra mist with a walk back home from the HUB — maybe a mile.</ins>
<ins datetime="2003-10-25T06:14:00-05:00">Dinner was a bowl of chili, cornbread, and a Waldorf salad.</ins>
Journal Comments
OK. I just modified my Blogger template to automatically include a comments link using my script down in the post attribution line.
Food Log
Orange juice again this morning.
<ins datetime="2003-10-23T13:44:00-05:00">Lunch was a granola bar, but no walk today — it’s snowing.</ins>
<ins datetime="2003-10-23T18:47:00-05:00">Salad and a beer for dinner.</ins>
Journal Comments
I use Blogger, as such, I do not have integrated comments. Not that I think I get a lot of readers, but it does seem like a standard feature. So, I am trying to work on a home grown solution.
Food Log
Gretchen went with a friend to go have her horse’s shoes reset early this morning, so I didn’t get any breakfast. I know, I’ve only been having a glass of orange juice lately, and I can pour orange juice just as easily as she does, but I’m not really what you would call a morning person, and I just now even thought about it. However, I think I’ll be making up for it today. One of the managers here in the office gave me a ticket to go hear Jack Valenti speak at the Faculty Staff Club over at the Penn Stater over lunch — lunch is included. So not only will I not be having my miniscule lunch, but I won’t be walking either.
<span style="float: left; padding: 0 8px 8px 0;"><img src="http://www.personal.psu.edu/staff/m/h/mhl100/images/Valenti.jpg" width="100" height="104" alt="Jack Valenti, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Motion Picture Association" /></span><ins datetime="2003-10-22T14:28:00-05:00">Jack was pretty interesting, though he made a few specious arguments about P2P file sharing. Apart from that, he sounded a lot like I imagine Samuel Clemens as having sounded. Wise, worldly, insightful answers to deep questions. Answers that make you think, with the possibility that they sound really good, but are wrong nonetheless. I had a small green salad, some provençal vegetables, a penne casserole, a cup of hot sausage soup, and a slice of apple pie (oink).</ins>
<ins datetime="2003-10-22T19:59:00-05:00">Gretchen made French Onion Soup tonight. I had two beers with mine (oink).</ins>
More Background image lists (folder, http)
- Milk
- Milk
- Eggs
- Cheese
- Vegetables
- Fruit
- Eggs
- Cheese
- Vegetables
- Fruit
Food Log
Breakfast was a glass of orange juice. Lunch was a granola bar and a four mile walk around campus.
<ins datetime="2003-10-21T08:39:00-05:00">We had the left overs from when Gretchen made <a href="http://www.marthastewart.com/page.jhtml?type=content&id=recipe2784" title="Eleanora’s Eggplant Parmigiana">Eleanora’s Eggplant Parmigiana</a> for dinner and a serving of left over potatoes au gratin and a <a href="http://www.saranac.com/paleale.html" title="SARANAC">Saranac Pale Ale</a>.</ins>
Model 870 Marine Magnum
A highly durable 12-ga. utility gun that resists corrosion on land or water. Electroless nickel plating covers all metal, including the inside of the barrel and receiver. The synthetic stock has generous checkering for positive control. Comes with 18″ Cylinder barrel with single-bead front sight, six-round magazine, padded Cordura® sling, and swivel studs.
Model 870 Marine Magnum Specifications Gauge Chamber Barrel Length Choke Mag Capacity Overall Length Avg. Wt.(lbs.) Order No. MSRP* 12 3″ 18″ Cylinder 6 38 ½” 7 ½ 5012 $545 LOP: 14″; Drop at Comb: 1 ½”; Drop at Heel: 2 ½”
*NOTE: U.S. Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. Actual price may vary.
Remington Arms Company, Inc. (2003), Model 870 Marine Magnum. Retrieved Tuesday, October 21, 2003, from www.remington.com/firearms/shotguns/870MRMAG.HTM.
The Starfish
An old man was picking up objects off the beach and tossing them out into the sea. A young man approached him and saw that the objects were starfish. “Why in the world are you throwing starfish into the water?”
“If the starfish are still on the beach when the tide goes out and the sun rises high in the sky, they will die,” replied the old man.
“That is ridiculous. There are thousands of miles of beach and millions of starfish. You can’t really believe that what you’re doing could possibly make a difference!”
The wise old man picked up another starfish, paused thoughtfully, and remarked as he tossed it out into the waves.
“It makes a difference to this one.”