Posted on October 14, 2020Yosemite Valley, CA | Sony A7II via /r/Yosemite Yosemite Valley, CA | Sony A7II byu/182_seconds_to_mars inYosemite
Posted on October 14, 2020Swan on a dreamscape lake via /r/photocritique Swan on a dreamscape lake byu/literallyswanronson inphotocritique
Posted on October 13, 2020Amazing Norway via /r/interestingasfuck Amazing Norway byu/ggoldlover ininterestingasfuck
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Posted on October 12, 2020Walls of Genoa, constructed around 1150. Genoa was the birthplace of world explorer Christopher Columbus, Baroque painter Guglielmo Embriaco, and Romantic composer Niccolò Paganini. via /r/ItalyPhotos Walls of Genoa, constructed around 1150. Genoa was the birthplace of world explorer Christopher Columbus, Baroque painter Guglielmo Embriaco, and Romantic composer Niccolò Paganini. byu/acornfroggie inItalyPhotos
Posted on October 10, 2020Tiny mount Saint-Michel via /r/tiltshift Tiny mount Saint-Michel byu/HilariousSlice intiltshift
Posted on October 10, 2020[EXT] [PRO] A writer’s tiny work shed in the garden, London, UK. via /r/CozyPlaces [EXT] [PRO] A writer’s tiny work shed in the garden, London, UK. byu/ManiaforBeatles inCozyPlaces
Posted on October 7, 2020Knaresborough, North Yorkshire via /r/britpics Knaresborough, North Yorkshire byu/macnerd93 inbritpics
Posted on October 6, 2020Peak Foliage in the Adirondacks, NY [OC] [2100×3000] via /r/EarthPorn Peak Foliage in the Adirondacks, NY [OC] [2100×3000] byu/ajmandellphotography inEarthPorn