Statement from the Brewers Association on FDA Proposed Rulemaking on Spent Grain

As part of the Food Safety Modernization Act, the FDA has proposed extensive regulations governing use of spent grain for animal feed. The Brewers Association recently issued a statement on the FDA animal feed proposal.

via Brewers Association

∞ Your Mac’s built-in screen recorder

Not sure when this feature got added, but since this was new to me, thought this was worth sharing.
Launch QuickTime Player (it’s in your Applications folder). Now select New Screen Recording from the File menu, or type control-command-N.

via The Loop

True Stuff: The Internet According to 1995

One of my recurring fascinations is reading pearl-clutching editorials over the menacing march of technological advance (such as the telephone, the printing press, or writing itself). So I loved this 1995 column from Newsweek by astronomer and Klein-bottler Clifford Stoll: After two decades online, I’m perplexed. It’s not that I haven’t had a gas of […]

via Wondermark