Food Log

We had corkscrew noodles with <dfn title="Bech&quot;a*mel, n. [F. b&eacute;chamel, named from its inventor, Louis de B&eacute;chamel (1630-1703) chief steward of Louis XIV.] (Cookery) A rich, white sauce, prepared with butter and cream; milk thickened with a butter and flour roux [syn: white sauce]">B&eacute;chamel</dfn> sauce (<a href=",,FOOD_9936_22896,00.html" title="Food Network: Classic Italian Lasagna">recipe on this page</a>), a Waldorf salad, and a beer for dinner last night. This morning I had a bowl of peach slices and a glass of orange juice.

<ins datetime="2003-09-30T15:02:00-05:00">For lunch, I had an apple and a bag of potato chips. Also I walked almost five miles today &mdash; one for a meeting on campus this morning and four over lunch.</ins>