Food Log

Breakfast this morning consisted of a bowl of generic toasted oat cereal &mdash; that is like <a href="" title=" - The 1 and Only Cheerios">Cheerios</a> for the brand name buyers amongst you &mdash; with half of a banana sliced on top and 2% milk &mdash; a compromise with my wife since I cannot bring myself to dring the gray water they sell as 1% milk &mdash; but the cats ended up getting most of the milk. No lunch&hellip; yet. I also walked four miles over my lunch hour.

<ins datetime="2003-10-01T20:35:31-05:00">Tonight was our wedding anniversary, so we went all out and had creamed chicken and waffles! We also had a bottle of <a href="" title="Bolla Wines of Italy - Open Up">Bolla Sangiovese Di Romagna</a>.</ins>