Food Log

Breakfast this morning was a bowl of cold cereal and a glass of orange juice.

I am going to start journaling my weight. This probably would have been more interesting [to me] had I done it all along, but now is as good a time to start as ever. When I started I weighed 180 pounds. After a little over three months, I am down to 162 as of this morning after breakfast. That is when I weigh myself &mdash; I understand that consistency is important because your weight may vary throughout the day. If I believe that weight, I have lost about a tenth of a pound a day for the last three months. I am not sure I trust that measurement though, since I think I remember weighing 165 yesterday. In fact, I have weighed 165 for several weeks now. It may be that it was not me that was stuck at 165, but rather the old bathroom scale we use. <img src="" height="18" width="18" alt="I am winking" />

I walked over to the Telecommunications Building to work this morning wearing my backpack. I managed to turn what is normally a one mile walk into a two mile walk. You see, you need an access card to get into the building, and half way over I remembered that I had left mine in my car so I had to walk back to get it. <img src="" height="18" width="18" alt="I am rolling my eyes" />

<ins datetime="2003-11-25T14:39:00-05:00">After walking from the Telecommunications Building to the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center for a presentation and back to University Support Building 2 &mdash; bringing my mileage for the day to around three miles &mdash; I just had a <a href="" title=" &gt; Can't Get Enough Peanuts? Try a PayDay Candy Bar!">PayDay Bar</a> (260 calories, 130 from fat).</ins>

<ins datetime="2003-11-25T18:43:00-05:00">Gretchen made a saut&eacute;ed onion and pepper pizza for dinner, which we split, with 1&frac12; <a href="" title="Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale">Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale</a>s. <img src="" height="18" width="18" alt="I have a big grin" /></ins>