I believe I agree completely!

<a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A56185-2003Nov18.html">The Neo Thanksgiving (washingtonpost.com)</a>: &ldquo;I believe in tradition. I believe in Thanksgiving. I believe in Thanksgiving tradition. I believe that there should be butter, turkey, stuffing, potatoes, gravy and pie on the fourth Thursday of every November in the United States of America. I believe that Thanksgiving is a day on which people should gather to share food, friendship and love. I do not believe it is a day on which calories should be counted or guilt should be expressed at having eaten too much food, too many complex carbohydrates or too much saturated fat&hellip;

&ldquo;As to general Thanksgiving decorum, I believe that guests at the table should feel comfortable and welcome and should express any documented dietary needs or preferences in advance, if need be, and that both new cooks and seasoned cooks should be happy to accommodate them. By that some token, if there is something on the table that the guests don&rsquo;t want to eat, I believe that they, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, should refrain from eating it and not make a big deal out of it. 

&ldquo;I believe we are a nation that eats too much, a dangerous pattern. We eat the wrong stuff and we eat it in enormous portions. And this is a problem of grave concern that should be dealt with the day after Thanksgiving. In the meantime, after the apple pie, I believe we should push away from the table and go for a nice long walk.&rdquo;