Food Log

This morning’s breakfast was a half of a grapefruit, a glass of orange juice, and a piece of toast made from Gretchen’s raisin bread.

Lunch was crudit&eacute;s &mdash; a couple of cut up carrots, celery stalks, and cauliflower florets, served them with a little of <a href="" title="Newman's Own - Creamy  Caesar">Newman&rsquo;s Own Creamy Caesar</a> as a dip &mdash; and a <a href="" title="Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale">Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale</a>.

<ins datetime="2003-12-06T19:08:00-05:00">Dinner was spaghetti with <a href=",1977,FOOD_9936_20175,00.html" title="Food Network: Tomato Sauce">roasted tomato sauce</a> that I made with tomatoes from our garden this summer and froze, and a small green salad and a <a href="" title="Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale">Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale</a>.</ins>