Seed Saving

<a href="" title="Earth&amp;Table: Directory of Gardening Resources">Seed Saving</a>: &ldquo;An economical way to prepare for next year&rsquo;s harvest, saving seed will also enable you to hand select the healthiest and best-suited fruits and vegetables for your garden&rsquo;s soil and micro-climate.

A gardener can only save seed from an open-pollinated or heirloom variety, as hybrids will usually not produce seedlings with the same traits as their parents (in fact, they are frequently inferior to them). To begin, select the plants you will harvest for seed early in the season, choosing those that embody the traits you find most favorable. For the rest of the season, take care that these plants remain healthy and pest free, so the seeds do not suffer from stress. Each plant has its own peculiarities for saving seed, but generally, wait until the seed or seedpod is completely dry before harvesting. For fruit, wait for it to become totally ripe, then separate and clean the seeds, then allow them to dry&rdquo;