Mid-Life Crisis?

&ldquo;Across America, it's the proverbial morning after for the people born in the two decades after World War II. For the last 30 years, they&rsquo;ve let their tongues lead them around the globe in a hedonistic quest for the most exotic dishes, the best boutique wine and the babiest of baby lettuce. Saddled now with thickening waists, acid-reflux and high blood pressure, Boomers are waking up and realizing it&rsquo;s time to pay the tab.&rdquo; <cite><a href="http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/chronicle/archive/2004/01/14/FDGEV4735K14.DTL" title="DIET &amp; DEMOGRAPHICS / EATING AT 50 / At midlife, it's not looks or loot that counts, It's diet.">[SF Gate]</a></cite>