Food News Roundup

There has been a lot of food in the news lately. So grab a napkin… this could get messy.

  • Pepperidge Farms has apparently announced that they are going to change the recipe for Goldfish to remove the trans-fat.
  • Both the New York Times and the Washington Post are covering a new report out from the National Academy of Sciences on water and salt intake. There has been some folklore going around for a while that you should drink eight glasses of water a day. I always interpreted that to be eight cups, since there is no standard for the size of a “glass.” Both articles imply that you do not need that much, then go on to say that the report recommends instead that “most adult men need about 16 cups a day of fluid and women require roughly 11 cups.” Now if that sounds to you like more — not less — you are not alone. The trick being that water can come in the form of any (non-alcoholic) beverage or even in food. As they say, it all ends up in the same place anyway. Oh, and apparently you are still eating too much salt. Shoot for around 2/3 of a teaspoon per day.
  • Apparently, chocolate may be good for you or possibly not. They are not sure.
  • In case you did not know, auditors at the Pentagon believe that they found evidence that Halliburton was billing them for 42,042 meals a day in Iraq but only serving the troops 14,053 meals a day. While they admitted no wrongdoing, they did agree to repay $27.4 million in apparent overcharges. Well, apparently that did not clear things up and now, Halliburton has decided to stop billing altogether because the Pentagon apparently has an issue with another $175 million.
  • It may be that Halliburton had a change of heart because of a story that Wired News is covering. It seems that the Pentagon is looking for ways to get soldiers to go for three to five days “without the need for calories.” Oh, and apparently, when they do get calories, they will get them directly through their skin like those smoking cessation patches.