
My father sent me this link the other day. It is hilarious and I recommend it to anybody who is on a low-carb diet — or not on one. After all, if you can’t laugh at yourself…

Today, of course, nobody eats bread. People are terrified of all carbohydrates, as evidenced by the recent mass robbery at a midtown Manhattan restaurant, where 87 patrons turned their wallets over to a man armed only with a strand of No. 8 spaghetti. (“Do what he says! He has pasta!”) The city of Beverly Hills has been evacuated twice this month because of reports — false, thank heavens — that terrorists had put a bagel in the water supply. [Barry]

Barry, Dave. “Confessions of a closet carb fiend.” The Miami Herald. 28 March 2004. <> (4 April 2004).