Food Log

Breakfast this morning was a bowl of fresh pineapple and banana slices and two cups of coffee. I weighed 156 pounds. At the office, I had another cup of coffee, and three peanut butter sandwich girl scout cookies.

Photograph of a salad on the HUB lawn.

I walked to the HUB for lunch and had a salad from Picallili’s while sitting on the lawn out front. While I was there, I picked up a copy of the New York Times Dining Out section.

Photograph of Robert Kennedy Jr.

Gretchen and I had the honor of hearing Robert Kennedy Jr. give a talk this evening on the topic of “Our Environmental Destiny.” It was the keynote speech of the Colloquium on Environmental Initiatives at Penn State, presented by the Penn State Institutes of the Environment.

Before we went in, we each had an Egg Roll and a Fortune Cookie that Gretchen got us as a snack.

:-) All your hard work will soon pay off. :-)

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Dinner was pan fried haddock, roasted winter vegetables, and some apple wedges, with a glass of 2002 Vendange Pinot Grigio with a hand full of peanuts for dessert.