Food Log

I started the day with two cups of coffee

Last night I said we tilled the garden plot where we wanted to plant, just in case it rained. Well, it did not rain, so this morning before the day got hot, we went out and planted our tomatoes and peppers. We are doing a little experiment and planted part of the live plants in this black planting fabric and the rest the way we traditionally do — we plant inside a milk carton with the ends cut off, then later in the season we mulch with straw. We will see what works better.

After the live plants were in, we came inside for a bowl of pineapple and banana slices.

After that, we went back out and planted the remaining seed plants we have. That is, the two varieties of corn, the beans, and the squash.

Lunch was a bowl of potato leek soup with some croutons — made using some stale Italian bread that Gretchen made a few days ago — and two Saranac Pale Ales.

Ahh… in case you have not figured it out yet, I am on vacation this week. We are going to try to get a bunch of the remaining Spring chores done.

Dinner was a salad with a few of those croutons we made earlier and a Saranac Pale Ale. Important safety tip: Use the croutons up when they are fresh from the oven. Otherwise they get tough and chewy. We had some Häagen-Dazs Cherry Vanilla ice cream for dessert.