Garden Log

Last night, Gretchen and I staked the tomatoes and peas and ran the cultivator between the rows to kick up the weeds. Gretchen finished the weeding today. Apparently Verne got a little miffed at the weed situation in the asparagus patch and so he mowed it down and tilled it. Luckily, Gretchen had picked some for us earlier that day. We hope it will come back up.

Sue and Ed went to Way Fruit Farm after work tonight and picked 21 pounds of strawberries. They gave us a quart just to be nice, as well as a bunch of the radishes from their garden.

Photograph of tomatoes on stakes.

These are our just-staked tomatoes.

Photograph of peas on stakes and hardware cloth.

These are our snow peas. The stakes and hardware cloth are new.

Photograph of how peas on stakes climb the  hardware cloth.

The hardware cloth gives the peas something to climb on.

Photograph of gourmet blend lettuce.

Our leaf lettuce has been providing most of the greens for our garden salads.

Photograph of baby spinach.

Occasionally there is enough of our baby spinach to use, as well.

Photograph of butter crunch lettuce.

You may recall that Gretchen hoed up the snap peas. She planted these butter crunch lettuce in their place. They are coming along nicely.

Photograph of romaine lettuce.

Our romaine lettuce is doing really well, which is good because we love romaine.

Photograph of potatoes.

After a slow start for some, the potatoes are also all doing really well. From left to right we have a row of Red Pontiac, a row of Yukon Gold, and two rows of Kennebec.