Food Log

Breakfast was a bowl of cold cereal, a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee. I weighed 158 pounds.

Gretchen and I went to a work day at the CSA today. We weeded the rhubarb, chard, and the fennel. Afterwards, we had a lunch of tossed salad with raspberry vinaigrette, asparagus rice pilaf, whole wheat bread with humus, a lemon cake with strawberry sauce, and a cup of ginger shrub to drink. The CSA was shutting down one of its strawberry patches so after lunch we took a few minutes to make a final sweep through it and got two quarts for jam. Yesterday I bought two more quarts from an Amish stand at the State College Farmer’s Market that we also made into jam today. After we got home we had a bottle of Saranac Pale Ale.

Photograph of one of the 20 pints of strawberry jam we made today.

Dinner was a salad with roast chicken and Balsamic Vinaigrette, a slice of colonial bread with a sample of our fresh strawberry jam, and a bottle of Saranac Pale Ale.