Food Log

Breakfast was two cups of coffee, a glass of orange juice, and two slices of banana bread. I weighed 157 pounds.

I took a four mile walk over lunch. I ended up going by Brother’s Pizza, so I grabbed two slices of cheese pizza and ate them while sitting on the wall in front of Old Main.

Photographs of a squirrel that tried to eat my lunch.

While I was sitting there working on my first slice, this little fellow came up and thought he would help himself to the other. I warned him that it was mine and that if he persisted I would be forced to take his picture. He was unfazed and apparently thought I was offering him the camera instead, as he tested to see if the camera was good to eat. I tried shooing him away, but he apparently thought I was throwing things to him. Eventually I took my pizza and finished eating while I continued my walk. Too cute…

I had an apricot slush after work.

Dinner was a garden salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette and a bottle of Saranac Pale Ale.

2 Replies to “Food Log”

  1. I have to give you your props… You really do this food log thing everyday. And I love the pictures you post on here.

  2. Thanks, Bessie. It gets a little old at times. If it were any harder to do, I probably wouldn’t. It makes a cool scrapbook, too. And I do like sharing the pictures as well. Glad you like it. 😉

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