Workout Log

I went to the MBNA Fitness Center tonight and tried out my lower body workout for the first time. Here is tonights workout:

  1. Tread Mill: 5 minutes at 4 MPH
  2. Seated Leg Press: 12@100, 12@200
  3. Prone Leg Curl: 12@2, 12@4 (Hoist)
  4. Seated Calf Extension: 12@4, 12@8 (Hoist)
  5. Seated Crunch: 12@2, 12@4 (Hoist)
  6. Back Extension: 12@60, 12@120
  7. Tread Mill: 5 minutes at 4 MPH

I guessed at the target weights based on the last time I did each of the exercises (over a month ago). I think they could probably all go up. It would be nice to be able to translate the Hoist weight numbers to pounds. I think the timing is about right, one minute between sets, two minutes between exercises. I was surprised to find that the minute between sets was important for building strength but, once I actually did it, I could feel the difference. I was guessing that this workout should have taken about 30 minutes. It ended up taking 44 because some twittering, vacuous, overweight, out-of-shape, schoolgirls decided that they should learn how to use the seated crunch machine through trial and error, ultimately deciding that it was a good place to sit and gossip. Leave it at home, girls! Other than that, it was a pretty good workout.