PayDay bar considered hazardous?

About 6:30 p.m. July 16, [Stephanie] Willett[, a 45-year-old scientist for the Environmental Protection Agency who lives in Bowie,] was eating a PayDay candy bar while riding the escalator from 11th Street NW into the station. [Metro Police Officer Cherrail] Curry-Hagler, who was riding up on another escalator, warned Willett to finish the candy before entering the station.

Willett nodded but kept chewing the peanut-and-caramel bar as she walked through the fare gates. Curry-Hagler, who had turned around and followed Willett, warned her again as she stuffed the last bit into her mouth before throwing the wrapper into the trash can near the station manager’s kiosk, according to both Willett and the officer.

Curry-Hagler told Willett to stop and produce identification because she intended to write a citation, Hanson said. Willett said she refused to stop and told the officer, “Why don’t you go and take care of some real crime?” while still chewing the PayDay bar as she rode a second escalator to catch her Orange Line train.

At that point, Willett said, Curry-Hagler grabbed her and patted her down, running her hands around Willett’s bust, under her bra and around her waist. She put Willett in a police cruiser and took her to the D.C. police 1st District headquarters, where she was locked in a cell. At 9:30 p.m., after she paid a $10 fee, Willett was released to her husband. She is scheduled to appear in court in October for a hearing.

Metro Questions Arrest of Snacker