Keep chill off those tomatoes

As food-science dweeb Alton Brown of the Food Network’s “Good Eats” explains it, tomatoes contain numerous and complex chemical compounds that contribute to their flavor. Below 50°F, Brown says, some of those compounds “turn off” — permanently. Chill your tomato, and that extra tomato-y something special that would have danced on your tongue is gone for good.

On the flip side, Brown says, some of those compounds are also alcohol-soluble, and otherwise inert, so cooking your tomatoes with wine, or with vodka, as in one classic pasta sauce, makes them even more flavorful.

So respect the compounds. Keep the chill off, give your tomatoes a swig of something fermented, and they’ll stay happy. If your tomatoes are happy, you’ll be happy, too.

Keep chill off those tomatoes