I have been sorely lacking in photographs in my postings lately. It isn’t that I have not taken any, I just haven’t been posting them. Here are a bunch of them.
We picked apples at the last CSA community work weekend. These are some of the little beauties just before I picked them.
I haven’t posted any pictures of Awesome lately, so here is one from the other day.
This is a cherry pie that Gretchen made back on the first of August. It was so pretty I just had to take a picture of it.
The variety of corn we are growing this year has this freakish purple silk on it. I hope the corn is good!
The corn grew to ridiculous heights this year.
Also on the first of August, Gretchen made this really scrumptious foccacia. It must have been a baking kind of day.
Here is a close up of that foccacia. Can’t you just taste it?
Earlier this summer, at one of the other CSA community work weekends, we picked garlic. Here are the fruits of our labor hanging in the barn to dry.
They have already started to clean the bulbs and separate them into large ones…
…and small ones.
A little bit ago we went down to the Lewisburg Farmer’s Market to get some peaches.
This is the stand where Gretchen gets her peaches every year.
The prior weekend we had been to the Milheim Farmer’s Market, where they have live music…
…and a tank.