2006-01-11 Journal Entry

I had half of a white grapefruit, two pieces of whole wheat toast — one with honey, the other with apricot jam — and two cups of black coffee for breakfast.

I stepped on the bathroom scale this morning after my shower and it read 168 pounds.

I had another cup of black coffee at the office this morning — which I followed up with two mints (I hate coffee breath ;-)).

I have requested a change in my work schedule to start my lunch hour at 11:30 so that I can get into the gym before the lunch rush starts. Now all I have to do is renew my membership so they will let me in! OK. I’ve done that. I’m good until May 15th.

Lunch was two carrots, two slices of whole wheat bread, a small — fist-sized — baked potato (with a shaving of butter), and a bottle of spring water (20 ounces).

It is raining today, so I am spending my lunch hour in my office. I’ll start my workout tomorrow. Hmmm… I have to figure out what I’m going to do…

I had a handful of “Burnt French Peanuts” that a coworker had in his office.

I had another bottle of water.

I went to a meeting over in Osmond this afternoon. I took the shuttle over, but walked back — about 1-1/2 miles. It started to drizzle about half way back. :-(

One more bottle of water.

Dinner was pan fried flounder, barley with mushrooms, a slice of challa bread, vanilla custard, and two glasses of red wine.