White House Petition Formed to Nominate Charlie Papazian for Nobel Peace Prize

charlie-1983A petition has been started on the White House website to nominate our very own Charlie Papazian for the Nobel Peace Prize. While we aren’t the masterminds behind this movement, it’s absolutely something we can support! The petition reads: Dear President Obama, Charlie Papazian is the originating force between two industries, home-brewing and the craft […]

The post White House Petition Formed to Nominate Charlie Papazian for Nobel Peace Prize appeared first on American Homebrewers Association.

via American Homebrewers Association http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/news/white-house-petition-formed-to-nominate-charlie-papazian-for-nobel-peace-prize/

Zymurgy‘s 2015 Best Beers in America Results

Each year we ask Zymurgy magazine readers to share a list of their 20 favorite beers that are commercially available in the United States. We’ve tallied the votes, and here are the results for the 2015 Best Beers in America survey, including Top Ranked Beers, Top Breweries, Best Porfolio and Top Imports. Share your favorite commercial beers in […]

The post Zymurgy‘s 2015 Best Beers in America Results appeared first on American Homebrewers Association.

via American Homebrewers Association http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/news/zymurgys-2015-best-beers-in-america-results/

Brew It Yourself: Stone Pale Ale

While we follow our own muse at Stone, we also pay attention to our fans. Believe it or not, even with more than 600,000 followers across all of our social media channels, we read each and every comment posted on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and more. It’s awesome to have fans that care enough to take…

via The Stone Blog http://blog.stonebrewing.com/index.php/stone-pale-ale-recipe/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=stone-pale-ale-recipe

How to Build a Hopback

Homebrewers love hops—it’s no secret. You will always remember the first time you smelled those powerful pellets drop into the kettle. The little bitter cones give beer life, personality and uncanny edginess. Without them, beer would often times be unbalanced, overly sweet and uninteresting. Hops are so important, some people devote their entire lives to […]

The post How to Build a Hopback appeared first on American Homebrewers Association.

via American Homebrewers Association http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/pimp-my-system/build-hopback/

Re: Natural Born Losers

I have observed that in today’s work force, bosses have fewer requirements

1. Show up on time
2. Stay all day
3. Don’t steal
4. Do you know anything at all

If you are really good at a three of those you can fudge on one of them.

via Homebrewers Association | AHA Forum https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/forum/index.php?topic=20248.msg257679#msg257679

Analytics without action

Don’t measure anything unless the data helps you make a better decision or change your actions. If you’re not prepared to change your diet or your workouts, don’t get on the scale.


via Seth Godin’s Blog on marketing, tribes and respect http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2014/08/analytics-without-action.html