[Video Link] "A good day is when no one shows up and you don’t have to go anywhere." You took the words right out of my mouth, Burt.
via Boing Boing http://boingboing.net/2014/06/06/the-eccentric-founder-of-burt.html
[Video Link] "A good day is when no one shows up and you don’t have to go anywhere." You took the words right out of my mouth, Burt.
via Boing Boing http://boingboing.net/2014/06/06/the-eccentric-founder-of-burt.html
From June 12 to 14, over 3,000 homebrewers and beer enthusiasts from all over the U.S. will flow into the River City for the 36th annual National Homebrewers Conference, the world’s largest gathering of homebrewers.
via Brewers Association http://www.brewersassociation.org/pages/media/press-releases/show?title=mashing-in-michigan
Jack Joyce, who co-founded Rogue Ales, died Tuesday at the age of 71. Joyce, a former executive at Nike, and friends first opened the Rogue Public House, also known as Rogue River Brewing Co., in 1988 in Ashland, Oregon. The next year they moved the brewery to Newport, hired John Maier as brewmaster, and not […]
via Realbeer.com Beer Therapy http://www.realbeer.com/blog/?p=2989
The Brewers Association Board of Directors recently sent a message to members regarding the three-tier system and franchise law reform.
via Brewers Association http://www.brewersassociation.org/pages/government-affairs/current-issues/show?title=message-to-brewers-association-members-on-three-tier-system-and-franchise-law-reform
Hi all,
Can my fellow Pennsylvania Clubs share some insight on what is and is not allowed to be in terms of homebrew samples at beer festivals, and other public events. I know we can not sell, or seek a donation homebrew.
What about being samples from a booth, or as part of a separate workshop on home brewing – as part of a large beer fest?
Also, are there rules for whom can pour the samples? Do we need our volunteer pourers RAMP (Responsible Alcohol Management Program) certified?
via Homebrewers Association | AHA Forum https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/forum/index.php?topic=19327.msg246379#msg246379
Any word on shuttles or groups going the Brewing Network party on Thurs as this is about 5 miles from the conference?
They will have buses right outside after the Welcome toast. Just follow the crowd of cool kids
via Homebrewers Association | AHA Forum https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/forum/index.php?topic=18945.msg246889#msg246889
via John Moltz’s Very Nice Web Site http://mrpogson.com/2014/03/07/flaws-in-people-and-their-software/
via John Moltz’s Very Nice Web Site http://heartbleed.com/
Since Android is so infested with Malware, users feel the need to protect themselves. It makes sense that the No. 1 paid app is Virus Shield, except:
Unfortunately for the buyers, Android Police has discovered that all the app does is change a red "X" graphic to a red "check" graphic. Literally. The 859kb app doesn’t protect, secure, or scan anything.
This app costs $3.99, has been on the Play Store for just under two weeks and has already had 10,000 downloads with a 4.5 star review from 1,700 people. 2,607 people hit the Google "recommend" button.
Priceless.∞ Read this on The Loop
via The Loop http://www.loopinsight.com/redirect?s=/feed/&perm=http://www.loopinsight.com/2014/04/07/open-totally-wins/&perm_title=OPEN+TOTALLY+WINS&u=http://www.neowin.net/news/the-1-paid-app-in-the-google-playstore-virus-shield-is-a-complete-scam
via New Subscription Videos for brushvalleybrewer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYc6PmHI_Y8&feature=youtube_gdata