I’m glad some really smart people are in charge in Washington…

I was trying not to say anything about this whole Mad Cow thing… but seeing this bit of confidence building news just pushed me over the edge.

Investigators Say Cow’s Birth Preceded Effort to Stem Disease: “[Dr. Ron De Haven, the Agriculture Department’s chief veterinarian,] said there was no reason for Americans or people in other countries to question the safety of American beef, since mad cow disease is not found in muscle tissue, which is the source of roasts, steaks and other cuts familiar to consumers.

At least now we know where meat comes from. <img src="http://www.personal.psu.edu/staff/m/h/mhl100/images/slant.png" height="18" width="18" alt=":-/" />

Oh&hellip; and apparently a cow cannot get <acronym title="bovine spongiform encephalopathy">BSE</acronym> more than an instant or so after birth&hellip; because, you know, that cow was <em>born</em> in Canada.