More Signs of Spring

Photograph of a pair of Flickers doing their mating dance.

Lots of wildlife appears in the Spring around our house. Here, a pair of Flickers perform a mating dance. We are certain they are from the family of a breeding pair that nested in our yard last year. There were as many five cavorting about in the yard last year.

Photograph of Gretchen and Sungila.

Also in the Spring, Gretchen likes to get her riding mare, Sungila, out and dust off the saddle for a first ride of the season.

Photograph of Gretchen on Sungila.

Photograph of the underside of a Baltimore Oriole in an apple tree.

Then, while I was taking pictures of Gretchen and Sungila with the orchard as a back drop, I noticed that an Oriole was enjoying the apple blossoms, as well. You will have to forgive the composition as the bird refused to pose. This is his underside and his head is pointing down and back into one of the apple blossoms.