After Losing… Maintain

“The strategies people employ to lose weight vary greatly,” [William H. Dietz, a physician and director of the Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,] says. “The strategies people employ to maintain weight are less varied.” If they followed these, he says, “they wouldn’t have to lose weight the second time.”

How simple they are, but how undisciplined are we. Eat Breakfast. Eat a low-fat diet. Monitor your weight regularly (hey, big guy, get on the scale already!). And exercise moderately, 60 minutes a day.

He seems to have left out the part where you can eat all you want and never exercise.

Alas. [Edwards]

Edwards, Ellen. “In the War on Blubber, We’re United to Lose.” The Washington Post. 30 May 2004. <> (30 May 2004).