A few days ago I mentioned that I had gotten a university fitness membership and was going to start working out. Well, yesterday, for the first time… since the mid-eighties, I went and worked out. I used mostly the Nautilus equipment since they have a lot of it and it is what I am familiar with. Here is what I did. (By the way, if this isn’t interesting to you, too bad. It’s my journal.
5 minute warm-up on the Schwinn Airdyne
12 repetitions at 60 on the Nautilus Bench
8 repetitions at 80 on the Nautilus Fly
12 repetitions at 100 on the Nautilus Pulldown
12 repetitions at 60 on the Nautilus Pullover
12 repetitions at 2 on the Hoist Seated Shoulder Press
12 repetitions at 4 on the Hoist Seated Leg Press
12 repetitions at 50 on the Nautilus Calf Curl
12 repetitions at 60 on the Nautilus Leg Extension
12 repetitions at 100 on the Nautilus Calf Raise
5 minute cool-down on the Schwinn Airdyne
I was really just trying to learn the machines. Any set of twelve repetitions is really an indication that the weight was too light. I would like to find a weight where I can just manage eight repetitions and then work at that weight until I can get back to twelve. Stay at twelve for a few times — maybe three — and then increase the weight again.
Also, while I was doing my cool-down, I noticed that I missed a few machines that I had missed like the crunch and this thing where you squeeze your legs together. I’ll get those next time. I am going to try to go twice a week, but this week has strange hours since we are between sessions and the available hours conflict with some previous plans, so I’ll start a regular schedule next week.